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13 Simple Habits That Will Transform Your Life

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your life, like you’re just going through the motions, day after day? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel this way at some point in their lives. Maybe you’re in a job you hate, or you’re in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling. Or perhaps you’re just not happy with your current situation. Whatever the case may be, if you’re not happy with your life, it’s time for a change.

But making significant changes in your life can seem overwhelming. You might not know where to start, or you might think you don’t have the time or energy to make a transformation. But the truth is, anyone can make changes in their lives – no matter how big or small. And, it doesn’t have to be difficult, either.

If you wish to transform your life, it’s going to come down to your daily habits. Here are 13 simple habits that will transform your life:

Waking Early

Starting your day early can make all the difference in your productivity and mental state for the rest of the day. It gives you more time in the morning to get things done and start your day off on the right foot.

In an article by Psychology Today, “people who wake earlier, tend to be happier and have a greater sense of well-being”.

Waking early allows you time for yourself. This can be used for meditation, reading, writing, working out, or anything else that you enjoy and makes you feel good.

Read More

I’ve always loved to read. It has been a habit for me from a very early age. There is so much to be said about reading.

Reading is the best way to expand your knowledge. When you’re constantly learning something new, it helps you stay sharp.

It also has the magical ability to take us to far-away places. There’s nothing like curling up with a good book and getting lost in its pages. Thanks to today’s technology, you can find plenty of books that will help you relax after a long day without even leaving the house.

Books can also be a great source of inspiration. Inspirational books are filled with words of wisdom, positivity, and perspective-shifting advice that can help put life’s challenges into a more positive light. Reading inspirational books is an excellent way to foster a healthy, resilient attitude and cultivate an overall sense of hope and optimism.

Make reading a habit, and soon you will see how it can transform your life.


Journaling is definitely my favorite habit (okay, maybe for me it’s more of an obsession). I cannot stress enough about the benefits of journaling every day. It is one habit that truly transformed my life. I started journaling when I was going through a difficult period in my life, and I just never stopped. It helps me keep things in perspective and stay positive.

Journaling is such an excellent way to reflect on your life. You’ll soon discover how you can transform your life just by reading about your actions and consequences recorded in your journal. Once it’s on paper, you’ll be like a spectator who gets a glimpse into your life. Then you can see where you’re going wrong and take steps to make improvements.

Journaling can also help you develop a positive attitude. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be very cathartic and help you clear your mind of any emotional baggage that is weighing you down. It can help you get in touch with your feelings so that you can express them appropriately in the moment instead of holding it all inside.

Journaling is by far, one of the best habits you could have.


Meditation is the practice of focusing your attention on a particular thing, such as your breathing, body sensations, or a word. It is a natural state of being and brings about some amazing benefits for your health and happiness. It helps your mind and body relax and gives you a chance to focus on something other than your problems promoting a sense of calm.

Some people tend to struggle with meditation, but it is not a difficult technique to learn. First you need to find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Once you’re ready, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths in and out. Don’t worry about counting; just breathe naturally. After 10 minutes, open your eyes. It’s that simple.

Consider using healing crystals, renowned for their soothing energies and positive vibrations. Many believe that certain crystals, such as amethyst and rose quartz, can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calmness when incorporated into daily practices like meditation or carried as comforting companions.

Do Something You Are Passionate About

Do you have a hobby that you haven’t enjoyed in a while? Is there a hobby you have always wanted to try? Do yourself a favor and reacquaint yourself with your love of gardening or finally take that cooking class you keep thinking about.

If you are immersed in something that you find pleasurable, you are focused on that activity and not on other things that may be causing you stress or anxiety. Just like reading, it is a wonderful way to escape for a little while. You will feel so much more relaxed.

And sharing your passions with others fosters good relationships, and good relationships play an important role in our health and wellbeing.

So, you see, it doesn’t matter if you are passionate about stamp collecting or yoga, the important thing to remember is it needs to be a regular part of your daily life.

Follow a Healthy Diet

What you put into your body has a direct impact on your health. Eating nutritious foods helps your mind and body to function at its best.

Aim to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein, and whole grains. A well-balanced diet will help reduce your risk of cancer, strokes, diabetes, and heart disease.

Following a healthy diet can also improve your mood and provide you with the energy you need to get you through your busy day.

Here are some foods you should incorporate into your diet:

  • Fatty fish
  • Dark chocolate (my personal favorite)
  • Fermented foods
  • Bananas
  • Oats
  • Berries
  • Nuts and seeds

Choose to make healthy eating a habit and you will be feeling like a million bucks in no time!

Spend Time with People Who Are Positive

Spending time with people who are positive, and uplifting is important for your emotional wellbeing.

When you’re around negative people, you tend to focus on what’s wrong in life instead of what you can do to change it for the better. Their constant complaining and negativity can sap your energy and leave you feeling exhausted and emotionally drained.

These relationships can be damaging to your mental and emotional health, so it’s best to avoid them altogether. So, surround yourself with people who are happier and more optimistic, it can help you stay positive too!

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental health. It can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself, and how much energy you have throughout the day.

Even for the couch-potato, getting exercise doesn’t have to be difficult. You don’t need to run marathons or lift weights at the gym every day. Start slow. Take a yoga class with a friend or try going for a 10-minute walk on your lunch break or after dinner. Gradually increase the duration and frequency and before you know it, it becomes habit.

Doesn’t that sound simple? You can do it!

Make Time for Yourself

It’s easy to think that self-care is a luxury. It’s something you do after you’ve done everything else. It’s something you do when you have time. The truth is that self-care isn’t about treating yourself as a reward for doing well; it’s about caring for yourself so you can better care for others.

Giving yourself some time to unwind after a long day at work or school, allows you to relax, and even improve the quality of your sleep. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath or just sitting down with a cup of tea, make sure to make some time for yourself every day.

Make Sleep a Priority

Getting enough sleep each night should be a habit, but for many it is not. They think they can skimp on how much sleep they get and still function as if they had.

Most people need around eight hours of sleep per night. Sleep deprivation can make you irritable, tired, and depressed.  If you struggle to wake up, that means you need more sleep and will have to go to bed earlier. Do not change the waking time. Instead, change your bedtime.

Getting the proper amount of sleep not only improves your mood but also makes it easier for you to learn new information and solve problems more effectively. When you’re well-rested, you have more energy and are better able to focus.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment. It can help to reduce stress, increase focus, and improve your overall wellbeing.

Staying present means that when you’re doing something (or nothing), you do it without thinking about anything else besides what’s going on right now in this moment. It’s about being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. It’s about focusing on what’s happening right now and not worrying about the past or the future.

When you’re mindful, you learn how to put things into perspective and not get so caught up in negative thoughts that prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Being mindful helps you see things as they really are and not how you want them to be.

Mindfulness is probably one of the simplest habits to help you transform your life. You don’t need any special materials and you can reap the benefits in as little as 5 minutes a day. But why stop at 5? I like having 10 minutes to practice mindfulness each day.

Plan Your Day the Night Before

Make a habit of ending your day by planning your tasks for the next day. This will ensure that you can immediately execute on the plan the following day, instead of wasting time planning.

You’re most fresh, alert, and energetic at the start of the day. This energy is best used on the important tasks at hand. Planning the day beforehand will not only create momentum the next day but also directly impact your productivity.

Manage Your Money

Managing your money is a big part of your life. When we’re stressed about money, it can be hard to enjoy the things we love. But if we can take control of our finances and make sure we’re on track to reaching our goals, it can make a big difference to our stress levels and our overall health.

Managing your personal finances isn’t always easy, but it’s important. The simplest thing you can do is track your spending habits. From there you can quickly assess where your money is being spent and find ways to trim your budget.

Here are a few quick ways to save money right away:

  • Use coupons
  • Shop at discount stores
  • Combine errands to save on gas (this will save time too!)
  • Buy store-brand products
  • Use washable cleaning cloths instead of paper towels
  • Join store rewards programs
  • Carpool or walk if possible

The Bottom Line

Transforming your life is simple if you stay focused. Just by making a few small changes, you can improve your health, happiness, and overall satisfaction with life.

Most of these habits take just a few minutes a day. If you make a commitment to following these simple habits, you’ll see a transformation in your life in no time.

About the Author

Shelley is the publisher of the Women’s Lifestyle blog SensiblyShelley. She is the mother to five children, who returned to school after her youngest child was born to earn her BA in Accounting and has spent the past 8 years working in the education field.

She created her blog because she wanted to help other women like her, who strive to create balance in their lives but don’t know where to start. She provides “sensible” tips based on research and her own personal experiences.

She writes, “After years of research, trial and error, personal experience and finally getting back in touch with my healthiest self; I know what works for me and now I want to share my knowledge with others”.

Follow her on social media:

Facebook:           https://www.facebook.com/sensibly.shelley

Instagram:          https://www.instagram.com/sensibly.shelley/

Pinterest:            https://www.pinterest.com/shanson110613

Twitter:                 https://twitter.com/shanson110613

Linkedin:              https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelley-hanson-1b588ba/

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