Get The Motivation To Declutter: Let’s Clean Up and Clean Out

Having a clean space is more than just about aesthetics—it’s about creating an environment that positively impacts your mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

When everything around you is neat and organized, it’s easier to focus on what truly matters. But let’s be real, cleaning and decluttering can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not exactly someone who jumps at the chance to tidy up.

The lack of motivation to clean is something we all experience from time to time, and that’s perfectly okay.

So, today, I’m sharing a guide on how to get motivated to clean and declutter regularly. If you’ve been feeling stuck and uninspired to tackle the clutter, don’t worry—you’re not alone. With a few tips and tricks, you’ll find the motivation you need to declutter your home and keep it that way.

Motivation To Declutter: Let's Clean Up and Clean Out

Motivation To Declutter: Let’s Clean Up and Clean Out

It’s easy to lose your motivation when it comes to cleaning. We’ve all been there: you look around your space, feel overwhelmed, and suddenly, the couch looks way more inviting than a dustpan and broom. It’s in these moments that staying motivated becomes crucial, and having a strategy can make all the difference.

This post is your go-to guide for finding that spark to get up and start decluttering. Whether you’re tackling a single drawer or an entire room, these tips will help you maintain a clutter-free space that feels like a breath of fresh air every time you walk through the door.

How To Get Motivated To Clean and Declutter

Finding the motivation to clean and declutter can be challenging, especially when the task feels overwhelming.

But with the right approach, you can turn what seems like a daunting chore into a manageable and even enjoyable process.

Below, you’ll find 14 practical tips to help you get motivated to clean and declutter, making it easier to maintain a clutter-free, organized space that you’ll love spending time in!

1. Divide Each Space Into Sections

One of the reasons we feel overwhelmed by cleaning is because we try to take on too much at once. A great place to start is by dividing your space into smaller sections. Instead of thinking about decluttering an entire room, focus on one shelf, drawer, or corner at a time.

This way, you’ll set yourself up for quick wins, and each completed section will keep you motivated to declutter more. Start small, and before you know it, the whole room will be clean and organized.

2. Set a Clear, Achievable Goal

Having a clear goal is a great motivator. When you set a specific decluttering goal, like organizing your closet or clearing out your pantry, it gives you something tangible to work towards.

Write down your goals and keep them visible as a reminder of what you’re aiming to achieve. The satisfaction of checking off each goal will keep you motivated to clean and continue on your decluttering journey.

If you’re looking for more specific guidance, check out this how to declutter clothes guide.

3. Set a Timer

Time can be a powerful tool in staying motivated. By setting a timer for just 15 or 30 minutes, you create a sense of urgency that can help you stay focused and avoid distractions. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in a short burst of time.

Plus, knowing that the task has a set endpoint makes it less daunting. When the timer goes off, take a break or keep going—either way, you’ll have made progress toward your decluttering goals.

4. Avoid Distractions

Distractions are the enemy of productivity, especially when it comes to cleaning. Put your phone on silent, turn off the TV, and focus on the task at hand. If you struggle with staying focused, consider an accountability partner to keep you on track.

Having someone check in on your progress can be a great motivator and help you stay committed to your decluttering journey.

5. Make It Fun

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore—it can actually be fun if you approach it with the right mindset. Play your favorite music, listen to a podcast, or even make it a game. For example, challenge yourself to see how much you can declutter in the time it takes to finish a playlist.

Making the process enjoyable will help you feel motivated to clean and keep your space clutter-free.

How To Get Motivated To Clean and Declutter

6. Celebrate Your Progress

Every step forward is worth celebrating. Whether you’ve decluttered a single drawer or an entire room, take a moment to appreciate your hard work.

This positive reinforcement will help you stay motivated and eager to tackle the next area. Remember, the benefits of decluttering go beyond just having a tidy space—it’s about creating a more peaceful and stress-free environment that you can enjoy every day.

7. Find the Motivation Within

At the end of the day, the most important thing is finding what motivates you personally. Maybe it’s the thought of having a more organized home, or perhaps it’s the mental clarity that comes with a clutter-free space.

Whatever your reason, keep it at the forefront of your mind as you work toward your decluttering goals. And if you ever find yourself struggling, don’t worry—just come back to this post for a quick dose of motivation.

If digital clutter is part of your stress, consider tackling that too.

This digital declutter checklist can help you get started. This one was so important to me!

8. Use the One-In, One-Out Rule

A great way to maintain a decluttered home is by adopting the one-in, one-out rule. Every time you bring something new into your home, make it a habit to remove an old or unused item. This practice helps you stay mindful of your possessions and prevents clutter from accumulating in the first place.

9. Visualize the End Result

Take a moment to imagine how your space will look and feel once it’s clean and organized. Visualizing the end result can be a powerful motivator, as it gives you something to look forward to. Picture the calm and peace that a clutter-free environment will bring, and let that vision inspire you to start decluttering.

10. Tackle the Worst First

If there’s an area in your home that’s been causing you the most stress, tackle it first. Once you’ve cleared the most cluttered or chaotic space, everything else will seem easier by comparison. Plus, seeing such a significant improvement early on will motivate you to keep going.

11. Create a Decluttering Playlist

Music can be a fantastic motivator. Create a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs that energize you, and listen to it while you declutter. The rhythm of the music can keep you moving and make the time pass more quickly, turning a mundane task into a fun experience.

12. Reward Yourself

Set up a reward system for yourself. For every section you complete, treat yourself to something small, like a favorite snack or a short break. Knowing there’s a reward waiting for you can make the task more enjoyable and keep you motivated to clean.

13. Declutter in Short Bursts

If the thought of spending hours cleaning is too much, break it down into short bursts. Declutter for 10-15 minutes at a time, and then take a break. These small increments of time add up and make the process feel less overwhelming, helping you stay on track without burning out.

before and after decluttering

14. Get Inspired by Before-and-After Photos

Browse before-and-after decluttering photos online for inspiration. Seeing how others have transformed their spaces can be incredibly motivating and give you new ideas for your own home.

These ones are super inspiring!

It’s a reminder that the effort is worth it and that you, too, can achieve a beautifully organized space.

Wrapping Up

Cleaning and decluttering don’t have to be overwhelming. With a few simple strategies, you can find the motivation to declutter your home and keep it organized. Remember to take it one step at a time, set clear goals, and make the process enjoyable.

Whether you’re setting a timer, celebrating your progress, or enlisting the help of an accountability partner, these tips will help you stay motivated and achieve a clutter-free space.

Start decluttering today, and enjoy the benefits of a clean, organized home—because you deserve to live in a space that brings you peace and happiness.

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