
Sponsored Blog Post Rates: What Bloggers Need to Know

If you’re diving into the world of sponsored blog posts, you’re probably wondering about rates, right? Knowing how much to charge can be a game-changer for your business. Let’s break down everything you need to know about setting your sponsored blog post rates.

blogger at a cafe

Understanding Sponsored Blog Post Rates

Simply put, I make around $1000 a month from sponsored blog posts alone. They typically find me, which is crazy! It took me a few years to get here though—it used to be $100, then $200, and so on.

What is a Sponsored Blog Post?

A sponsored blog post is content created for a brand or company that pays you to promote their product or service. This can include product reviews, tutorials, or any other content that aligns with your blog’s niche.

Why Are Sponsored Blog Posts Important?

Sponsored posts are a significant income stream for influencers.

They provide a way to monetize your blog while offering value to your readers by introducing them to products or services you genuinely believe in.

Factors Influencing Your Rates

Your rates can vary greatly based on your blog’s traffic, audience engagement, niche, and the value you bring to the brand.

Audience Size and Engagement

Your blog’s traffic and engagement rates are critical. Brands are interested in how many eyes will see their content and how engaged those readers are.

Niche and Content Quality

A well-defined niche with high-quality content can command higher rates. If you’re an expert in a particular area, brands will value your authority and influence.

Social Media Reach

Your social media following can significantly impact your rates. A large, engaged audience on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest can make you more attractive to brands.

Type of Content

Different types of sponsored content can have different rates. A comprehensive blog post with high-quality images or videos will typically be more valuable than a simple mention or a social media shoutout.

setting sponsored blog post rates

Setting Your Rates

Okay, sooo what should you charge!? Be confident in your worth, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve based on your reach and engagement.

Here’s some tips to help you figure it out:

Research Industry Standards

Look at what other influencers in your niche are charging. This can give you a ballpark figure to start with.

Calculate Your Worth

Consider the time it takes to create the content, including writing, photography, and promotion. Your rate should reflect the effort and expertise you bring to the table.

Package Deals

Offer package deals to brands, including blog posts, social media shares, and other promotional activities. This can provide more value to the brand and increase your overall earnings.

Finding Brand Deals and Sponsored Blog Post Opportunities

I know you want to know, how do I start?!


One of the most effective ways to find brand deals is through networking. Attend industry events, conferences, and trade shows. These events are prime opportunities to meet brand representatives face-to-face and pitch your blog directly. Online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to bloggers and influencers are also great places to connect with brands and other influencers.

Influencer Platforms

There are several influencer marketing platforms that connect bloggers with brands looking for sponsorship opportunities.

Websites like AspireIQ, Influence.co, and TapInfluence allow you to create a profile and showcase your blog’s reach and engagement.

Brands often post campaigns on these platforms, and you can apply directly for opportunities that match your niche.

Direct Outreach

Don’t be afraid to reach out to brands directly. If there’s a brand you love and think would be a great fit for your blog, send them a professional pitch email. Include your blog’s statistics, audience demographics, and examples of past collaborations.

Be clear about what you can offer and how it will benefit the brand.

Ready To Start Landing Paid Brand Deals?

Sponsored Blog Post Opportunities

Utilize Social Media

Brands often scout for influencers on social media platforms. Make sure your social media profiles are professional and reflect your blog’s niche. Engage with brands by commenting on their posts and tagging them in your relevant content.

This increases your visibility and shows brands that you’re genuinely interested in their products.

Collaborate with PR Agencies

Public Relations (PR) agencies are often tasked with finding influencers for their clients. Building relationships with PR agencies can lead to consistent sponsored post opportunities.

Make sure to keep your media kit up to date and be ready to share it when you reach out to or hear from PR agencies.

Blogging Networks

Joining blogging networks can also be beneficial. Networks like BlogHer and Clever Girls Collective connect bloggers with brands looking for sponsorship opportunities.

These networks often have dedicated sections where brands post opportunities, and bloggers can apply.

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What To Charge For A Sponsored Blog Post

When it comes to setting rates for sponsored blog posts, several factors come into play, including your blog’s traffic, engagement, domain authority, and the type of content required.

Here’s a general guideline to help you get started:

Small Blogs (Under 10,000 Monthly Page Views)

  • Sponsored Blog Post: $75 – $150
  • Social Media Promotion (one platform): $25 – $50
  • Package Deal (Blog Post + Social Media): $100 – $200

Medium Blogs (10,000 – 50,000 Monthly Page Views)

  • Sponsored Blog Post: $200 – $500
  • Social Media Promotion (one platform): $75 – $150
  • Package Deal (Blog Post + Social Media): $250 – $600

Large Blogs (50,000 – 100,000 Monthly Page Views)

  • Sponsored Blog Post: $500 – $1,000
  • Social Media Promotion (one platform): $150 – $300
  • Package Deal (Blog Post + Social Media): $600 – $1,200

Very Large Blogs (Over 100,000 Monthly Page Views)

  • Sponsored Blog Post: $1,000 – $3,000+
  • Social Media Promotion (one platform): $300 – $600
  • Package Deal (Blog Post + Social Media): $1,200 – $3,500+

Additional Considerations

  • Video Content: If the brand requires a video to be included in the blog post, you can charge an additional $200 – $500 depending on the complexity of the video.
  • Exclusive Rights: If the brand wants exclusive rights to the content, meaning you cannot publish similar content for their competitors, you can charge a premium of 25-50% over your standard rate.
  • Long-Term Partnerships: For brands looking to collaborate on multiple posts over a period of time, you can offer package deals or discounts. For example, a three-post package could be priced at 10-15% less than if they were purchased individually.

Negotiation Tips

  1. Know Your Worth: Don’t undervalue your influence. Your blog’s reach and the trust you’ve built with your audience are valuable assets to brands.
  2. Be Transparent: Clearly outline what the brand will get for their money. Provide examples of past successes and testimonials if available.
  3. Flexible Pricing: Be open to negotiation but have a clear bottom line. Understand that some brands might have limited budgets, especially smaller or newer companies.
  4. Offer Add-Ons: Enhance your offer with add-ons like additional social media posts, email newsletter features, or extended coverage to sweeten the deal.

By understanding how to find sponsored blog post opportunities and setting clear, competitive rates, you can ensure a steady stream of income from your blog. Remember, your influence and the connection you have with your audience are powerful tools that brands are willing to pay for. Happy blogging!

Negotiating with Brands

Always highlight the unique value you bring to the brand and be open to negotiating terms that benefit both parties.

Be Transparent

Clearly communicate your rates and what’s included. Transparency builds trust and sets clear expectations.

Know Your Value

Don’t undersell yourself. Know your worth and be confident in what you bring to the table. Brands are paying for your unique voice and connection with your audience.

Be Open to Negotiation

While it’s important to know your worth, being flexible can help secure deals. Find a balance between your ideal rate and the brand’s budget.

Creating Value for Brands

Deliver high-quality content that aligns with the brand’s goals, and provide detailed reports on engagement and reach to showcase your impact.

Authentic Content

Create authentic content that resonates with your audience. Authenticity builds trust and engagement, making your sponsored posts more effective.

High-Quality Media

Invest in good photography and videography. High-quality visuals can make your posts stand out and provide more value to the brand.

Detailed Analytics

Provide detailed analytics to brands after the post goes live. This can include traffic data, engagement rates, and social media metrics. It shows brands the value they’re getting from their investment.

Growing Your Influence

This is a topic we could talk about forever. To grow your influence, focus on consistently producing high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

Engage actively with your readers through comments and social media, and collaborate with other bloggers or influencers in your niche to broaden your reach and build a strong, engaged community.

Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments and engage with your audience regularly. Building a loyal and engaged following can make you more attractive to brands.

Network with Other Influencers

Collaborate with other influencers in your niche. Networking can open up new opportunities and help you grow your audience.

Keep Learning

Stay updated with industry trends and continue improving your skills. The influencer landscape is always evolving, and staying ahead can give you a competitive edge.


Setting the right sponsored blog post rates can feel like a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can find a balance that works for both you and the brands you collaborate with. Remember, your influence is valuable, and with transparency, confidence, and continuous growth, you can build a successful and rewarding career as an influencer.

Got any questions or tips on setting sponsored blog post rates? Drop them in the comments below! And happy blogging!

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