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35 Toddler Travel Must Haves for Stress Free Adventures

Traveling with a toddler can be a delightful experience, filled with memorable moments and new discoveries. However, it also comes with its set of challenges. Ensuring your toddler’s safety and comfort is a top priority, and being well-prepared can make all the difference. Anticipating your child’s needs and packing the right items can transform traveling with toddlers into a fun and less stressful journey. Today, we’re sharing a comprehensive roundup of essential toddler travel must haves to make your travel with toddlers smoother and more enjoyable.

Toddler Travel Must Haves

Toddler Travel Must Haves

Traveling with a toddler can be challenging, but being well-prepared can make all the difference.

Packing the right essentials ensures your child’s safety, comfort, and entertainment, making your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

From airplane necessities to car travel gear and accommodation must-haves, having these items on hand will help you anticipate your toddler’s needs and reduce travel stress.

Toddler Airplane Travel Essentials

These essential items will make flying with your toddler easier and more comfortable.

1. Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is indispensable for navigating airports and boarding planes. It keeps your hands free while providing comfort and security for your toddler.

When selecting a baby carrier, look for one that is ergonomically designed to support your toddler’s weight and provide back support for you. This travel essential ensures you can move swiftly through security checks and long terminal walks without straining your arms. Additionally, carriers with adjustable straps and breathable fabrics are ideal for long-term comfort.

This is my go-to baby carrier!

2. Travel Stroller

A lightweight, foldable travel stroller is perfect for airport corridors and long walks. It’s easy to carry and store, making it a travel essential.

Opt for a stroller that meets airline regulations for cabin luggage to avoid the hassle of checking it in. This one is airline compatible!

Some models even come with a carry strap or bag, making it easier to transport when not in use. For added convenience, choose a stroller with a reclining seat to allow your toddler to nap comfortably while on the go.

3. Diaper Bag

A well-organized diaper bag can store diapers, wipes, snacks, and toys, keeping everything you need within reach during the flight.

Choose a diaper bag with multiple compartments to keep items organized and easily accessible.

Backpack-style diaper bags are particularly convenient, as they free up your hands for carrying your toddler or other luggage. Some diaper bags also come with insulated pockets to keep bottles warm or cold and include a portable changing pad for on-the-go diaper changes.

4. Portable White Noise Machine

A portable white noise machine can help your toddler sleep amidst the hustle and bustle of the airplane.

White noise machines that run on batteries or USB power are particularly convenient for travel. They can mask the ambient noise of the plane, such as engine sounds and chatter from other passengers, helping your toddler sleep more soundly.

Some models even offer multiple sound options, including lullabies and nature sounds, providing a customizable sleep environment for your little one.

5. Spill Proof Snack Containers

These containers prevent spills and keep snacks fresh, making snack time less messy and more enjoyable. Look for containers with secure lids that are easy for toddlers to open but prevent spills when tipped over. These ones are great!

These are perfect for holding dry snacks like cereal, crackers, or fruit pieces, keeping them fresh and within reach during long haul flights. Having a variety of snacks on hand can also help keep your toddler occupied and content during long stretches of travel.

6. Inflatable Travel Footrest

This is a fun one! An inflatable travel footrest provides a comfortable sleeping position for your toddler on long haul flights.

This one is under $20!

These footrests can be placed in front of your toddler’s seat to create a flat surface for them to lie down. They are lightweight and can be deflated and packed away when not in use, making them a convenient addition to your travel gear. Some footrests also double as leg rests for adults, making them a versatile item for the whole family.

toddler travel photo for toddler travel must haves
vacations with a toddler, toddler travel musthaves

Toddler Car Travel Essentials

These essentials will ensure your toddler’s comfort and safety during car travel.

7. Car Seat

An obvious one, a safe and comfortable car seat is crucial for car travel.

Ensure it’s installed correctly to keep your toddler secure. When traveling, consider a car seat that is lightweight and easy to install, as you might need to move it between different vehicles.

Some car seats are designed for easy transportation, with features like foldability and integrated carry handles. Additionally, choose a car seat with a removable, machine-washable cover for easy cleaning. Like this one!

8. Travel Bag for Car Seat

A travel bag for the car seat protects it from damage during transit and makes it easier to carry.

These bags often come with wheels and straps, allowing you to roll or carry the car seat through the airport.

They also keep the car seat clean and free from dirt and germs. Some travel bags even have extra pockets for storing small items like toys or travel documents.

9. Portable DVD Player or Tablet

Keeping your toddler entertained with their favorite shows or movies can make long car rides more bearable. Ensure the device is loaded with their favorite content and bring headphones suitable for toddlers.

This portable DVD player is great. Or, a tablet with a durable, toddler-friendly case and a stand can also double as an educational tool with age appropriate apps and games. To prevent screen fatigue, balance screen time with other activities like reading books or playing with toys.

10. Sun Shades for Car Windows

Sun shades protect your toddler from direct sunlight and keep the car cooler, ensuring a comfortable ride.

Choose shades that are easy to install and adjust. Some even come with fun designs that can entertain your toddler and provide additional visual stimulation. Sun shades can also protect your car’s interior from sun damage and keep the seats cooler for everyone’s comfort.

11. Travel Pillow

A travel pillow supports your toddler’s head and neck, helping them nap comfortably during the journey.

There are various types of travel pillows designed for children, including neck pillows, full-body pillows, and convertible pillows that can be used in different seating positions.

Look for pillows made from soft, washable materials for added convenience. Some travel pillows also come with fun designs and characters that your toddler will love.

travel with a toddler at the airport

12. Car Organizer

A car organizer keeps toys, snacks, and books within easy reach, reducing clutter and making the trip more organized.

These organizers can be attached to the back of the front seats and have multiple pockets for storing all your toddler’s travel essentials.

This not only keeps the car tidy but also ensures that everything is accessible when needed. Some car organizers even have built-in tablet holders, allowing your toddler to watch videos hands-free.

Toddler Travel Essentials for Accommodations

13. Portable Crib or Pack ‘n Play

A portable crib or pack ‘n play provides a safe and familiar sleeping environment for your toddler in a hotel room. Look for models that are easy to set up and take down, and come with a comfortable mattress.

Some portable cribs also include a carrying case, making them easy to transport. Additionally, bring along your toddler’s favorite bedding and stuffed animals to create a more home-like atmosphere.

14. Baby Monitor

A baby monitor allows you to keep an eye on your toddler while they sleep in a separate room or space.

Choose a monitor with a good range and clear audio and video quality. Some models also offer features like night vision, temperature monitoring, and two-way communication. Having a baby monitor provides peace of mind, knowing you can check on your toddler without disturbing their sleep.

15. Travel Blackout Curtains

These curtains help create a dark sleeping environment, aiding in better sleep for your toddler. They are particularly useful if your accommodations do not have blackout blinds.

Travel blackout curtains are typically lightweight, easy to pack, and can be attached to windows with suction cups or adhesive strips. Creating a dark and quiet sleeping area can help your toddler adjust to new time zones and unfamiliar sleeping environments.

16. Travel High Chair

A portable travel high chair makes meal times easier, allowing your toddler to sit comfortably at the table.

Look for a high chair that is compact and easy to clean. Some models can be attached to standard dining chairs, while others are standalone units that fold up for portability.

Having a high chair ensures your toddler can join family meals, maintaining their routine and making mealtime more enjoyable for everyone.

17. Portable Baby Bath

A portable baby bath ensures your toddler can have a proper bath no matter where you are staying. These baths are usually inflatable or foldable, making them easy to pack and set up.

They provide a safe and familiar environment for your toddler’s bath time, helping maintain their hygiene routine while traveling. Choose a baby bath that fits easily into hotel sinks or bathtubs for added convenience.

18. Sound Machine

A sound machine creates a soothing environment, helping your toddler fall asleep more easily in an unfamiliar place. Similar to portable white noise machines, sound machines can produce a variety of soothing sounds, such as white noise, nature sounds, or lullabies. Look for models with adjustable volume and timer settings for added convenience.

Having a consistent sound background can help your toddler sleep better, regardless of external noises.

Toddler Outdoor Travel Essentials

19. Mosquito Net

A mosquito net protects your toddler from insect bites while sleeping or playing outdoors. Choose a net that is easy to set up and provides full coverage. Mosquito nets can be used over strollers, portable cribs, or play areas, ensuring your toddler stays safe from bites during outdoor activities.

Look for nets treated with insect repellent for added protection in areas with high mosquito activity.

20. Sun Hat and Sunglasses

Protecting your toddler from the sun is crucial. A sun hat and sunglasses are essential for outdoor adventures. Look for hats with wide brims and adjustable straps for a secure fit. Sunglasses should provide UV protection and fit comfortably on your toddler’s face.

Encouraging your toddler to wear a hat and sunglasses from an early age helps establish good sun safety habits.

21. Sunscreen

Choose a toddler-friendly sunscreen to protect your child’s sensitive skin from harmful UV rays. Opt for a sunscreen that is easy to apply, such as a stick or spray, and is formulated for sensitive skin.

Be sure to reapply regularly, especially after swimming or sweating. Keeping sunscreen in your travel bag ensures you can quickly apply it whenever needed.

This is my favorite!

22. Reusable Water Bottle

A spill proof, easy to clean water bottle keeps your toddler hydrated during your travels. Look for bottles with secure lids and straws that are easy for toddlers to use.

Many reusable water bottles are also insulated, keeping drinks cool for longer periods. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining your toddler’s energy levels and preventing dehydration, especially during outdoor activities.

23. Travel First Aid Kit

A travel first aid kit with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and other essentials is a must-have for any trip. Make sure your kit includes items specifically for toddlers, such as small bandages, child-friendly pain relievers, and insect bite cream.

Having a well-stocked first aid kit ensures you are prepared for minor injuries and illnesses.

Consider adding items like fever reducers, antihistamines, and an emergency contact card with medical information.

Toddler Travel Essentials for Entertainment

24. Favorite Toys and Books

Bringing along your toddler’s favorite toys and books can provide comfort and entertainment during travel. Pack a few small, lightweight toys and books that can easily be carried in a diaper bag or backpack.

Familiar items can help soothe your toddler and keep them occupied during downtime. Rotating toys and books throughout the trip can also keep your toddler engaged and interested.

25. Coloring Books and Crayons

Coloring books and crayons are excellent for keeping your toddler engaged and quiet during travel.

Choose crayons that are easy to grip and washable, to prevent messes. Coloring books with simple designs and favorite characters can keep your toddler entertained for extended periods. Consider packing a small lap desk or travel tray to provide a stable surface for coloring activities.

26. Soft Blanket

A soft blanket can provide warmth and a sense of security for your toddler during naps. Choose a blanket that is lightweight and easy to pack.

Having a familiar blanket can help your toddler feel more at ease in unfamiliar surroundings. Blankets with fun patterns or favorite characters can also make travel more enjoyable for your toddler.

27. Comfort Item

A beloved stuffed animal or comfort item can help soothe your toddler in unfamiliar environments. Ensure you pack their favorite comfort item and consider bringing a backup in case it gets lost.

This item can be especially comforting during bedtime or in new settings. Familiar scents and textures can help your toddler relax and feel secure.

Toddler Travel Essentials for Hygiene

28. Wipes

Versatile and indispensable, wipes are essential for quick clean-ups. They can be used for diaper changes, cleaning hands and faces, and wiping down surfaces.

Choose wipes that are gentle on your toddler’s skin and come in travel-friendly packaging. Keeping a pack of wipes in your travel bag ensures you can quickly handle spills and messes.

29. Disposable Changing Pads

These pads provide a clean surface for diaper changes on the go. They are particularly useful when you need to change your toddler in public restrooms or other less-than-ideal locations.

Disposable changing pads are lightweight, easy to pack, and can be disposed of after use. Having a clean, disposable surface ensures hygiene and convenience during diaper changes.

30. Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is crucial for maintaining hygiene when soap and water are not readily available. Choose a sanitizer that is safe for toddlers and contains moisturizers to prevent skin dryness.

Small, travel-sized bottles are convenient to carry in your diaper bag or purse. Using hand sanitizer regularly helps protect your toddler from germs and infections.

Miscellaneous Toddler Travel Must Haves

31. Baby Sunscreen

Protecting your toddler’s skin from the sun is crucial, and baby sunscreen is a travel essential. Opt for a sunscreen that is specially formulated for babies and toddlers, free from harsh chemicals, and easy to apply. Remember to reapply frequently!

This is my favorite kid friendly sunscreen!

32. Travel Potty

A travel potty can be a lifesaver during road trips or when restrooms are not readily accessible. Portable potties are compact, easy to clean, and come with disposable liners for convenience.

Teaching your toddler to use the travel potty before your trip can also help them feel more confident and independent.

33. Travel Blanket

A cozy travel blanket is perfect for napping on planes, trains, or cars.

Having a familiar blanket can help your toddler relax and sleep more comfortably during travel. Blankets with fun patterns or favorite characters can also make travel more enjoyable for your toddler.

34. Pacifiers

If your toddler uses pacifiers, bring extras to ensure comfort and prevent meltdowns. Pack pacifiers in a clean, sealed container and have backups in your diaper bag and luggage.

Pacifiers can help soothe your toddler during takeoff and landing on flights, relieving ear pressure. Having a pacifier clip can also prevent them from getting lost or dropped.

35. Toddler Backpack

A small backpack for your toddler can hold their favorite toys and snacks, giving them a sense of independence. Choose a backpack that is lightweight and the right size for your toddler to carry.

Letting them have their own bag can make them feel more involved and excited about the trip. Consider personalizing the backpack with your toddler’s name or favorite characters for added fun.

Toddler Travel Essentials Checklist

To make your preparation easier, here’s a downloadable and shareable checklist to ensure you don’t forget any of these toddler travel must haves:

[Download PDF Checklist]


Traveling with toddlers doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By anticipating their needs and packing the right items, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable journey. Whether you’re flying, driving, or staying in a hotel room, these toddler travel must haves will keep your little one safe, comfortable, and entertained.

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For more tips on toddler travel, read our guide on toddler road trip essentials.

Happy travels and good night!

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