
Easy Hair For Moms: 10 Quick Hairstyles for Busy Days

Being a mom is a full-time job, and between taking care of the kids, managing the household, and handling various responsibilities, finding time to style your hair can seem like a past life luxury. Most moms find themselves resorting to the classic mom bun to save time. However, taking a few minutes for yourself to style your hair can make a significant difference in how you feel. In this post, we’ll explore easy hair for Moms, and 10 hairstyles that are my favorite. They are not only quick to do but also help you look and feel great!

Easy Hair For Moms

Ever experienced the chaos of your kids waking up late, the frantic search for matching socks, and the mad dash to get out the door? Or perhaps it’s date night, and they won’t get in the car until the elusive favorite toy is found (cue the laughter). Been there, done that – more times than I can count! As moms, it’s second nature to get caught up in the whirlwind of family life, often forgetting to prioritize ourselves. Recently, I’ve found that taking a moment to do simple things like applying lip gloss or styling my hair makes me feel more human and just overall better about myself. So, let me share with you some of the easy hairstyles that have become my go-to solutions in those moments!

The Classic Messy Bun:

The go-to hairstyle for busy moms, the messy bun is effortlessly chic and requires minimal effort. Gather your hair into a loose bun, secure it with a hair tie, and let a few strands fall naturally for that relaxed look.

Tip for making a messy bun look less messy: try gently pulling out a few face-framing strands and loosening the bun slightly. This adds a touch of intentional disarray, frames your face, and makes it more of a put together chic and relaxed vibe.

Additionally, smoothing the hair around the face with a small amount of styling product can contribute to a polished finish, striking the perfect balance between casual and refined.

classic messy bun, mom bun, easy hair for moms

High Ponytail:

Overall, the high ponytail is my go to. It’s a classic hairstyle that instantly adds a touch of sophistication. Use bobby pins to secure any loose strands, and you’re ready to conquer the day. I literally always have a hair tie on my wrist, so it’s always a ponytail for me. The high ponytail also instantly lifts and brightens my face, which is why I love it!

easy hair for moms, mom hair, high pony tail

Quick Curls for Effortless Style:

If you have a few extra minutes, quick curls can transform your appearance. Use a curling iron or hair rollers for soft curls that add a touch of glamour to your everyday look.

casual curls, easy hair for moms

Effortless Waves for a Casual Vibe:

If you have long hair, try braiding it before bedtime. In the morning, release the braid to reveal beautiful, low-maintenance waves. This style is perfect for busy mornings when you want to look put together without spending too much time styling. Simply braid your damp hair before bed and wake up to beautiful, low-maintenance waves. Perfect for busy mornings.

loose waves, loose waves mom hair easy hair for moms

The Timeless Low Bun:

For a more polished look, try the low bun. It’s a versatile hairstyle suitable for any occasion. Use some hair spray to keep it in place throughout your hectic day.

casual low bun, easy low bun

Chic Short Hair Solution:

Short on time and have short hair? Embrace the simplicity of your haircut. A quick tousle with some styling product can create a stylish, carefree vibe.

chich short mom hair

When In Doubt, Accessorize:

Elevate any hairstyle by adding accessories like headbands or stylish hairpins. A bobby pin also goes a long way. Headbands, hairpins, and clips can add instant glam to your look with minimal effort. They’re perfect for adding a touch of glamour to your look without spending too much time.

casual mom wearing headband

The Sleek Low Ponytail:

Achieve a sophisticated look with a sleek low ponytail. Smooth down any flyaways with some gel or serum for a polished finish.

casual low ponytail, easy hair for moms

Effortless Updo

Gather your hair into a loose bun using a hair tie for a quick and easy updo. It’s a practical solution for days when you want to keep your hair off your face.

casual updo with hairtie

Braids for All Hair Lengths:

Braids are a versatile option for all hair lengths. Whether it’s a simple side braid or a fishtail, they add a touch of femininity to your everyday look.

In the midst of a busy mom’s life, taking a few moments to style your hair can be a form of self-care. These easy hair for moms doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Take a moment for yourself, try these hairstyles, and embrace the beauty of quick and easy hair transformations.

Don’t forget to check out our post on clean beauty products for a holistic approach to your beauty routine.

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