4 Tips for Keeping A Positive Mindset
Keeping a positive mindset can be extremely challenging when you are going through a difficult situation. Maybe you put everyone else first (which is not a bad thing!), or maybe you are having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel if you are in a super busy or stressful phase in your life. Either way, keeping a positive mindset can help you through just about any situation! Here are a few tips for keeping a positive mindset, no matter what:
Start every morning on the right note
When you are wanting to feel your best each day and keep a positive mindset going, that obviously starts with your morning. Each morning, get the day started on the best note possible – and transfer that energy throughout your day, to keep the positive vibes flowing. Creating a positive morning routine can go a long way to setting the tone for your entire day (seriously!). Rather than hitting the snooze button five times or scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram and TikTok first thing in the morning, try some of these tips to create a morning routine that works for you.
- Wake up 15 minutes earlier: resist the urge to hit the snooze button. If you are usually in a rush to get out the door, slow down your routine a bit. The best way to do this is by waking up just a tad bit earlier every day. It doesn’t have to be 15 minutes – you know what you need! Feeling rushed in the morning is a definite way to create a stressful atmosphere. Giving yourself the flexibility to go a bit more slow, eat breakfast, and enjoy your morning will definitely help put you in the right state of mind.
- Start the day with gratitude: instead of scrolling, practice gratitude. Research suggests that practicing gratitude daily actually makes you happier and less depressed. And what better way to start your day than spending just a few minutes with your gratitude journal, bible, or one of your favorite uplifting books?
- Stretch your body: stretching in the morning helps relieve tension and pain. It also helps increase flexibility and blood flow, helping you prepare for the day ahead.
- Eat a nourishing breakfast: starting your day with the nutrients your body craves will help boost your energy. Plus, you’ll be more likely to make healthy food choices for the rest of the day.
- Last but not least, take the time to get ready. You know what makes me feel the best? Getting dressed in an outfit that I love, feeling fresh from a morning shower, and putting on makeup. This does take more time (obviously), but a little goes a long way and it will definitely make you feel your best and so much more confident!
Focus on the good things, no matter how small
You know, it can be really challenging to focus on the good when you are going through a hard time, but trust me – it is SO rewarding! Working on focusing on the positives in a situation does take time and effort and sometimes, even the people who have worked on it the longest and hardest struggle to see the good in each situation, but you just have to learn to get back up again when you fail and start over. No matter how difficult of a time you are having, there IS good to your situation -you just have to find it.
Things go astray, but how you react dictates what happens next
Things happen. No matter what you are going through, life is not perfect. It never was and it never will be. How you react dictates 1) how you feel and 2) what happens next. For example, if you are moving and your timeline is way off, you can sulk and freak out about not being out of your home in time, OR you can calmly figure out a solution to bettering the situation. With this exact scenario, you could calmly call around to find a moving company that could speed up the process AND make it way less stressful on yourself. If you are in NY, Consider it Moving could be there to relieve you and your stress. They do local moving Long Island, commercial moving, packing, and more. They believe in taking the weight (literally) off the client and giving them a stress-free + affordable moving service! You can figure out ANY situation and make it easier and better for yourself. You just might have to put in a little work and time.
Treat yourself
Last but not least, don’t forget to take care of your needs and wants. If you are a parent, someone in college, or a workaholic, I know how difficult it can be to actually find the time to take care of yourself, but you cannot pour from an empty cup! Keep that in mind and focus on yourself for once!
Thank you MoversBoost for the collaboration. MoversBoost is a digital marketing agency providing website design, SEO for movers, and Google Ads management.