The Importance of Having A Good Mindset

Only recently has mindset and mental health been taken as seriously as it should, as this seldom spoken about topic is truly the key to a happy and healthy life. When trying to be healthy, we obsess over labels like organic, non-gmo, cage free, etc.

While I believe in the importance of taking care of your body, I also believe that it is just as important to take care of our mindset and our mental health. There isn’t an organic food for your mind; we have to do the work to nurture our brains with a positive headspace and optimistic thinking.

When we have a negative headspace it spreads to the rest of our body and spills over into our lives. When I first realized this it changed my life. 

As that old saying goes “we are what we eat”, we are also what we think. Your mindset and your life are in your hands, so don’t miss out on all the great that you can do and the person you owe to yourself to be.

What is mindset?

It can best be defined as set of beliefs. These beliefs shape how you try to make sense of this world and yourself; and they are so much more influential than we realize or then we want to realize.

Your mindset allows you to persevere through hard times, to maybe find the silver lining when things seem to be falling down around you.

It can allow you to have an optimistic and positive perspective but that falls on you. Only recently has mindset and mental health been taken as seriously as it should. This seldom spoken about topic is truly the key to a happy and healthy life; or it can lead you down a lifepath of negativity, angst, and regret if you allow it to.

All anyone really wants in this life is to find happiness. The beautiful thing about that is you already have it inside of yourself. Some people have to work a little harder to uncover it, but I promise you its there. So, master the mind, find your happiness and life’s good right?

Essentially yes, those are the steps in my opinion and it’s what has allowed me to live happier and healthier. The questions now are “how” and “what”; how do we master our minds?

Mastering Your Mentality

One of the entrepreneurs who inspired me to take the leap and start my own business, Thomas J Law, wrote a great article about shifting your mindset for success. According to Thomas mindset is the key to being wealthy and successful – while it’s often the reason that many never leave the income bracket they’re born into.

The next few things I’m going to mention are how I have been able to keep my mindset healthy and geared towards success. 

  • Everything is possible.

We all grew up with our parents telling us “you can be anything you want”. I think over the years as we grow older we lose our belief in that.

Everything and I mean everything you want is possible.  We see success all around us whether it be on social media or tv. Why do we immediately think “they got lucky” or “that can’t work for me”? Instead, we should be telling ourselves “if they can do it, so can I”.

Once we start to tell ourselves everything is possible and truly believe it, everything starts to change.

Love the process.

I’m not saying that once you start to believe everything is possible you’re going to be an overnight success and wake up neighbors to Jeff Bezos; it’s going to be difficult. You’re going to devote a lot of time and effort into whatever you choose and guess what you’ll probably still fail a few times. It’s okay to fail learn from what didn’t work out and get back on the horse as they say. 

They say “the destination doesn’t matter it’s all about the journey” I think that applies to a lot in life. Learn to love the process and learn to take a step back and appreciate the journey you’re on; it will revamp your mindset for the better.


You’re probably thinking this is just labeled “time” there doesn’t seem to be any kind of guiding hand with this title. Time is the most precious resource we have; we will never have more of it, only less. We can lose money and make it back, but time is something that is finite.

A lot of us spend our time worrying, being afraid, second guessing ourselves and guess what literally the only thing that does is waste your time; time you will never get back. This realization is probably what changed me the most and the fact that I wasn’t spending my time living the life I dreamed about. You can’t make changes if you’re afraid and wasting time.

I can.

I can do it. I can do anything. This should be the mantra of our daily lives.

Its not a matter of can, because I can do anything I set my mind to. If you run into a problem and feel discouraged, you can figure it out. You can learn new ideas and adapt to whatever you put your mind to. I can do this; I can do anything.

By intentionally setting up your environment for success, setting goals, surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals, and engaging in activities that prime the mind (physical activity, meditation, journaling, yoga, praying, etc.), you’ll quickly begin to recognize mental shifts for the better, ultimately embarking on the lifelong journey of mastery!

Mindfulness can also be beneficial for children. 

It can help them to cope with anxiety and stressprevent emotional eatingimprove their social skills, and encourage them to focus on what they want rather than what others expect from them.

The practice of mindfulness has been shown to reduce symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as inattentiveness and impulsivity.

Mastering your mentality isn’t easy, but it is possible, and you can do it if you want to.

Thank you Ryan Dalessandro for writing this one.

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  1. This is sooo true!! I noticed that time and time again that based on my thoughts that’s how I physically feel as well. It’s all so connected. I try to always think positively and I tell myself that I can succeed at whatever I want, it just requires time, focus and patience. This was a great read, thanks for sharing! 🙂

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